How Long Does It Take to Learn Drums?

When it comes to learning a musical instrument, the journey can be both exciting and challenging. As a drummer with years of experience, I often get asked the question, “How long does it take to learn drums?”

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The time it takes to learn drums can vary depending on several factors. In this article, we will explore the different factors that affect the learning process, as well as the milestones you can expect to reach at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Factors affecting the learning process

Factors affecting the learning process

Individual practice time

The amount of time you dedicate to practicing the drums on a regular basis plays a significant role in how quickly you progress. Consistent practice allows you to build muscle memory, improve coordination, and develop a strong sense of rhythm.

Consistency and dedication

Consistency and dedication are key to mastering any skill, including drumming. Setting aside regular practice sessions and staying committed to your learning journey will greatly impact your progress.

Quality of instruction

Having access to quality instruction, whether through private lessons, online tutorials, or music schools, can make a substantial difference in how effectively you learn to play the drums. A knowledgeable and experienced instructor can provide valuable guidance and feedback to help you improve.

Beginner level: 0-6 months

Basic coordination and rhythm

In the first few months of learning drums, beginners focus on developing basic coordination between their hands and feet. This involves practicing simple drum patterns and getting comfortable with using all four limbs independently.

Understanding drum notation

Beginners also start to familiarize themselves with drum notation, learning how to read and interpret drum sheet music. Understanding drum notation is essential for learning new beats and fills.

Intermediate level: 6 months – 2 years

Improving speed and control

At the intermediate level, drummers work on improving their speed and control. This includes practicing rudiments, working on dynamics, and honing their ability to play with precision.

Learning different music genres

Intermediate drummers often explore different music genres, such as rock, jazz, funk, and Latin. This allows them to expand their repertoire and adapt to various playing styles.

Advanced level: 2+ years

Advanced level: 2+ years

Mastering complex techniques

Advanced drummers focus on mastering complex techniques, such as polyrhythms, odd time signatures, and advanced drum fills. They also work on refining their sense of timing and groove.

Developing a unique style

At the advanced level, drummers strive to develop their own unique style and musical identity. This involves experimenting with different sounds, textures, and improvisation. In conclusion, the time it takes to learn drums is influenced by individual practice time, consistency, dedication, and the quality of instruction. While reaching the advanced level may take several years, beginners can expect to develop basic coordination and rhythm within the first 6 months, and intermediate drummers can look forward to improving speed, control, and exploring different music genres within 2 years. Ultimately, the journey of learning drums is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that requires patience, perseverance, and a passion for music.


  • Are drums hard to learn?

    Drumming can be both easy and hard. If you find that you pick up rhythms quickly, you have natural coordination, and you can clap in time, you may find that learning drums is easier for you than someone who struggles with these things. But like any new undertaking, there can always be a bit of a learning curve.

  • How quickly can you get good at drums?

    The answer depends on what you aim to get out of drumming. If you only want to get to grips with the basics and a few songs it might take a couple months, if you want to be confident enough to play in a band it might take a year or two.

  • Can I learn drums in 3 months?

    I would challenge you to find any percussionist of any genre of music who would claim they have “fully learned” the drums. Even ones who have been playing professionally for decades. While it does depend on an individuals natural aptitude, generally speaking three months would give you a good start on the fundamentals.

  • Is 30 too old to learn drums?

    At the end of the day, it is never too late to learn to play the drums. Taking drum classes in adulthood will be one of the best journeys you take in life. Whether you are 30, 50, or 70, you can learn to play the drums, and Music House would love to help you learn.

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